When it comes to all the different jobs in the world, it is hard to pinpoint how many are out there. Not only does each industry have specific demands regarding specific jobs, but since the introduction of modern technology, many once-necessary and popular jobs have become obsolete in many parts of the world. If you have ever wondered about the different types of jobs that once [...]
22 New and Old Jobs People Think Are Absolutely Uselss
While it seems like we’re being ever more quickly propelled into the future, there are certain aspects of our society that just aren’t quite keeping up. In the job market, there seem to be a number of professions that aren’t really necessary anymore—or perhaps they never were. Here are a number of jobs that people think might be sort of, well… useless. Do you agree or [...]
25 Fast Food Menu Items That Were a Huge Flop
We all love a good bite of fast food every now and then (it's for the soul), and every fast chain has its staple products - the tried and tested classics we go back to time after time. Yet, sometimes, chains try to shake it up with new, experimental menu items, and it doesn’t always go according to plan. Here are some of our (least) favorite fast food flops. #1: McDonald’s [...]
24 of the Most Inspiring Quotes from U.S. Presidents Everyone Needs to Hear
Aside from governing the country, filling the position of Commander-In-Chief, and leading Congress, our Presidents are often a great source of inspiration (or they should be). The amount of public addresses they have to make throughout their term has left us with an ample supply of Presidential pearls of wisdom. Here are a few of our favorite quotes by U.S. presidents. #1: [...]
28 Slang Words Boomers Used to Say That Millennials Have Never Heard Of
Younger generations today use slang words like "Ohio" and "Skibidi" that we don't understand, but do you remember some of the slang we used back in the 70s, 80s or 90s? Kids these days have no idea how cool we once were. The 1970s, 80s, and 90s were decades full of weird and wonderful slang words. But try using some of these phrases around kids today, and they’ll most [...]