There is a clear indication that the Republican Presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump is currently ahead of the Democratic counterpart, Hillary Rodham Clinton in the ongoing presidential election across the United States of America. Report from US Magazine also indicates that Donald Trump has taken an early lead in the 2016 presidential election after midnight voting took [...]
Election Background
Tomorrow the 8th of November, 2016 is the day that will define the fate of America. I wouldn't doubt that the Electoral College is bought and paid for by Hillary. But, if the popular vote is extremely overwhelming, as it may well be, it's going to be hard for the country to allow Clinton in office. Clinton has no business in office or even running for that matter. This [...]
Presidential Debate Day 1, Trump Vs Clinton, Who’s The Winner [POLL]
Today's Presidential debate between the two major candidates in this 2016 general election will go down in history as one of the most anticipated debates ever in the history of the United States of America. Trump vs Clinton round one truly lived up to the expectations. Who came out on top as the winner? Vote in the poll below [poll id="2"] USA Immigration officers come in [...]
Donald Trump Vs Hillary Clinton
I'm an average college educated American who loves my country and excited about the prospect of real leadership in Washington, but also terrified about the corrupt, communist, and traitorous forces which seem to have infiltrated our media and government by silent coup. Let's take back our country from these traitors, including aware democrats who understand what Hillary has [...]
How Melania Trump Took Plagiarism To The Next Level
The the event is the Republican National Convention, 18th of July, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. Everything was going according to plan (the anti-Trump protests apart) until Melania Trump took to the podium to deliver the most important speech of her life to thousands of conventioneers, and to the millions of people watching worldwide from different Television networks across the [...]