I watched this total and couldn't help but share it. It seems Obama is so good with many things? I mean so good with too many sports? I have seen him play basketball and he does it like the NBA pros, slamming and dunking as if he plays with The Lakers. I have also watched him play soccer as the USA use to call it, and he is quite good with dribbles. How about David Cameron? [...]
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Snubs Barack Obama
Saudi Arabia's King Salman has designated his crown prince to attend a Gulf Arab summit with U.S. President Barack Obama, the state news agency, SPA, reported on Sunday, just two days after the White House said the monarch would attend the gathering. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir announced that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef would head the delegation representing the [...]
George W. Bush slams Obama on foreign policy
George W. Bush criticized President Barack Obama on foreign policy this weekend. The former president, addressing a meeting of Jewish Republican donors at The Venetian hotel in Las Vegas Saturday night, railed against Obama’s decision to ease sanctions on Iran, scoffed at his handling of ISIS and mocked his perceived indecisiveness. “You think the Middle East is chaotic now?” [...]
Obama praises President Jonathan for conceding defeat
US President Barack Obama praised Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday for conceding defeat in an election that he said showed “Nigeria’s commitment to democratic principles.” “President Jonathan has placed his country’s interests first by conceding the election and congratulating president-elect (Muhammadu) Buhari on his victory,” Obama said in a White [...]