Much like food, fashion, and any trend, names constantly change. What’s popular in one decade can be seen as strange or old-fashioned in the next. On the other hand, modern names are getting out of hand, with some of them being absolutely wild and ridiculous (we’re looking at you, Cinnamon Rainbow). Folks have taken to the Internet to talk about old-fashioned names they think deserve to make a comeback. Here are 20 vintage names people think should make a comeback.
#1: Ulysses
Ulysses is the Latin version of Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer’s Greek epic, the Odyssey. Although its name is claimed to be dignified, its meaning actually translates to “full of anger.”
If you think about it, it’s a fitting name for a kid going through the Terrible Twos. You don’t want to face a boy’s wrath when it’s bedtime, and he doesn’t want to go to bed. While it’s a great name, we think there’s too much anger in the world already.