As far as the battle of the generations goes, Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, get a pretty bad rap, and at least part of that reputation is unjustified. So, we think it’s about time that someone came to the defense of the Boomers. After all, they have plenty of well-earned wisdom to share with us, and who are we to ignore it? So here are some of the instances in which we think Boomers are getting it right and maybe, just maybe, the rest of us are getting it wrong.
#1: The Art of Conversation
It does seem that sometimes the things that the older generations have right are the very basic foundations of human behavior and society. Whereas the young folks have been corrupted by technology and overabundance, our elders remember what it was like in simpler times and how to behave accordingly.

One of those basic activities is conversation. Many millennials and Gen Zers can’t even string a few sentences together, and they often don’t have the ability to cope with complex ideas and contradictions, making it pretty hard to communicate with people on the other side.