Don’t Make Things Up
u/Swarles_Stinson: “I had informed my boss two weeks in advance that I would be taking time off on Monday and Tuesday, which she approved without any issues. I went ahead and took those days off for a trip out of town. However, when I returned to the office on Wednesday, I found myself locked out of my account. I reached out to the operations manager, the person who had interviewed and hired me, to understand what was happening.”
“To my surprise, he informed me that my boss claimed I had disappeared..She accused me of not informing anyone about my time off and insinuated that I had abruptly quit. I was the sole remaining member of my original team of four who had been there when I was hired. I had already planned to quit in the next month. In a rather audacious move, my boss even threatened to fire me. I responded, ‘If you believe you need to let me go for your mistake, go ahead.’ Ultimately, I continued working there for another seven weeks before departing on my own terms.”