You Can Stuff Your Sorry in a Bag
Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where George came up with “you can stuff your sorry’s in a bag”? No? Apparently, this person’s roommate left what appears to be a dirt spill in their wake. A pile of dirt with “Sorry” spelled out alongside an empty toilet paper roll. The situation itself is suspicious. We’re not sure we understand what’s happening here. Is that really dirt? Why would they use toilet paper to clean it up?
Furthermore, why would they leave an empty toilet paper roll on the floor instead of disposing of it? It’s one thing if they didn’t have time to clean up this mess, but why leave the toilet paper roll there, adding insult to injury? We have so many questions and approximately zero answers. This photo is the epitome of bewilderment. Perhaps it’s an art installation? Art is subjective, after all. Anything can be considered art.