Some novels have transcended time and become so beloved that they were adapted into movies. Books offer us a chance to add depth we can’t always achieve otherwise, and yet taking that and sprinkling it with movie magic can elevate both mediums to greater heights. Truly, the greatest forms of entertainment have given us books and movies both. So let’s take a walk down memory lane to look at some of the greatest books and their adaptions in history.
1. Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner is a film that had a slow start on release and opened to polarizing reviews. However, it eventually came to be considered one of the greatest science fiction films of all time. It blends the neo-noir and cyberpunk genres together into a visual masterpiece of a dark dystopian future.

The film is adapted from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? a novel published in 1968. The film changed some aspects of the novel but keeps plenty of its elements in place, and there was even a sequel, Blade Runner 2049, that came out just a few years ago in 2017.