While we often say things were made better in the past, the truth is that’s not true for everything. But when it comes to big investments like kitchen appliances or even little things like shoes, it’s just the truth. Since all of these items vary in how they’re made, it’s hard to point to one particular thing that changed and made the quality suffer, whether it’s planned obsolescence or something else. No matter the cause, it seems some things just aren’t made to last anymore.
#1: Cell Phones
Okay, we don’t mean all cell phones. However, over the years, several mobile phones have been known for their durability. It’s so well known that the Nokia 3310 from the early 2000s was practically indestructible, yet we couldn’t say the same for the majority of cell phones made today. I love my smartphone, but my slider phone from 2006 was definitely more durable.