Jealousy is a natural emotion, and although we all like to think we never get jealous, we're only kidding ourselves. As much as we try to deny it or hide it, the green-eyed monster is there inside all of us, because the grass is always greener on the other side of the lawn. We like to think we do a good job hiding our jealousy, but unfortunately for these people, they were [...]
People Who Were Caught on Camera Demonstrating Pure Jealousy
Jealousy is a natural emotion, and although we all like to think we never get jealous, we're only kidding ourselves. As much as we try to deny it or hide it, the green-eyed monster is there inside all of us, because the grass is always greener on the other side of the lawn. We like to think we do a good job hiding our jealousy, but unfortunately for these people, they were [...]
These Small Acts of Revenge Are Oddly Satisfying
When something upsetting happens, we all have this uncontrolled urge to get back at the person responsible for it - we just can't help it. While most of us come up with little schemes and pranks in our heads, knowing we'd never have the courage to execute them, the people in the list below have gone through with their revenge plan, which will not only make you laugh, but might [...]
Funny and Bizarre Moments Captured at Airports
We all miss airports, and we don't know when will be the next time we get to be in one! Just because we can't visit airports doesn't mean we can't enjoy them, and since we could all use some entertainment right now, we're here for you with the funniest, most random moments caught at airports around the world. It seems as if the only vacation we're going to have in the next [...]
Funny and Bizarre Moments Captured at Airports
We all miss airports, and we don't know when will be the next time we get to be in one! Just because we can't visit airports doesn't mean we can't enjoy them, and since we could all use some entertainment right now, we're here for you with the funniest, most random moments caught at airports around the world. It seems as if the only vacation we're going to have in the next [...]