Modern Family is a sitcom style television show created by ABC that first began airing in 2009 and created 11 seasons of entertainment until its finale in early 2020. The show featured a variety of lifestyles and some diverse cast members, and those that loved watching the show found themselves invested in the lives of these people outside of the roles too. Since the show [...]
Matthew McConaughey’s New Puppy
Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey spoke up on January 15th to feature their newest addition to the family which has fans in love. Camila posted on Instagram a photo with her and their newest addition to the family, who looks quite comfortable with the McConaughey family already. Their newest addition is a four month old pup from the shelter. Camila’s post was captioned [...]
Best Video Streaming Service of 2020
Video streaming services provide alternatives to those that don’t wish to have or can’t afford cable options, and they can often be great options for budgeting, families, and more accommodations that need other options for watching TV and movies. Whether you’re considering cutting off from cable television or have already, we’re here to give you a good roundup of the top [...]
Where’s the Cast of Saved By The Bell Now
Saved By The Bell turned 30 years old in 2019, and in late 2020 a new reboot of the show was created and aired including some of the original cast as well as plenty of well-known actors from today’s times. However, many fans and viewers of the original Saved By The Bell often find themselves wondering where the cast has been all these years as well as where they are now. If [...]
Everything You Need To Know About the New Saved by the Bell
Saved By The Bell was a beloved sitcom television show that debuted in 1989 and existed until 1993. The audience loved its characters, humor, and storyline throughout the show’s running and many were incredibly sad to see it end. Since then, there have been some spin-offs and continuations of the show that have been made. But a new version of the show has been planned to [...]
Why Are People Cancelling Their Netflix Accounts
Netflix has recently gotten itself into major trouble amongst users from both political standpoints due to the film “Cuties” which recently made its way onto the platform. In fact, it quickly began a movement to cancel Netflix as a whole and urge others to stop giving their membership money to it. Here’s everything you need to know about the issues concerning Netflix to [...]
Top Earning TikTok Stars
TikTok is a social media and video sharing platform that has blown up in popularity over the last months, with many stars on the platform gaining millions of views and followers for their creations. Just like with other social media platforms and audiences attracting industries like blogging, YouTube, Instagram influencers, and so on; TikTok stars can make money through [...]
Top Flash Mobs of All Time
Flash mobs occur often on smaller scales or large scales for different reasons or motives like advertising, performance arts, celebrations, tributes, and more; but some in history made their mark. A flash mob is when a group of people will be in a public area and suddenly break out into a surprise performance that has been choreographed. It brings an element of surprise [...]
Where’s The ‘Love Actually’ Cast Now
Love Actually was a popular film that focused on romance stories across multiple British lifestyles with a handful of great actors that have had career success before or after the movie, but it caught the eyes and hearts of many people worldwide. The show features 10 love stories, that sometimes cross into each other, and begins a handful of weeks before Christmas time. This [...]
2020 Celebrity Babies
Welcoming a new baby into the family can be a time of so much joy and many other emotions and struggles, but doing so as a celebrity under the public eye is a whole new level of that. Especially with how 2020 has been going for the world. There are so many celebrities that have welcomed new bundles of love into their lives this year, and you’re in the right place to learn [...]
Where Is The “Pitch Perfect” Cast Now
Pitch Perfect first debuted in 2012 and quickly captured the hearts and attention of millions with its quirks and characters. Since the first movie, two more sequels have made their way to movie theaters and our TV screens. While the cast has changed and grown over the course of the three movies, many of the original Pitch Perfect cast introduced early on such as the original [...]
Most Memorable Moments In TV History
We watch television in some way or another incredibly often nowadays, and for many people, it is a part of their daily routine. Have you ever considered how long this invention has been around? Over 60 years ago was when television was launched, and since then there have been plenty of memorable moments as well as continued improvements and innovations on the way we watch TV. [...]
The Movies Everyone Is Waiting To See
With the current times, movie theaters and movie productions have grinded to a halt. And even though nobody knows how long it will be until they come back into action, there are plenty of movies out there that can keep us hopeful and excited for that return. Of course, everyone’s tastes in film or genres are different so each person probably has their own bucket list like this [...]
Keanu Reeves Releases his 1st Comic Book in October
If you’re a comic book and Keanu Reeves fan then you’re in luck this October! Keanu Reeves is releasing a 12 issue comic book series with Matt Kindt, illustrated by Alessandro Vitti and Bill Crabtree. The storyline of BRZRKR, Keanu Reeves’ comic book, is all about a violent demigod who’s serving for answers about his existence. You’ll follow along as this demigod wanders [...]
The Most Popular Netflix Shows Right Now
Netflix has a constant flow of its own original series, films, other companies’ series, and popular or new films cycling through this subscription streaming service. It’s gained a major reputation, with good reason, for a good value for your money as well as hosting excellent TV shows and movies. Whether you already are on Netflix or you’re interested in it, there are plenty of [...]