When defining a generation, is there any better way to do so than through TV shows? While we are truly blessed with an excellent selection of TV shows to choose from today and countless platforms to view them on, there is no denying that Baby Boomers had it pretty good with military-themed shows. Whether you watched these television shows after school or discovered them later [...]
20 Dishes That Will Make Your Mouth Water if You Grew Up in the South
When it comes to comfort food, the South tends to do it the best. Incredible dishes from the Southern United States tantalize hearts and souls in ways that little else can. Sometimes, when you’re having a bad day, you just need some hoe cakes or fried green tomatoes to make it all better. Just be sure to save some for me, okay? These are 20 of the best Southern foods we hope [...]
27 Jobs That Are Not As Fun As People Seem to Think
They say that the grass is always greener on the other side, and it would seem that there’s a lot of truth to that saying. We tend to fantasize about other people’s jobs and think that they must be a whole lot better than ours, but here are a few professions that seem glamorous from the outside, but aren’t quite as great as you probably thought they are. #1: Game Over If [...]
22 Things Every 90s Kid Had in Their Bedroom Growing Up
The things you find in a kid's bedroom are pretty much the trends that define the decade. If you want to know what toys, movies, or gadgets are popular at the moment, look no further than a kid's bedroom. Ae least, that's the way it used to be in the 1990s. Back then, a kid's bedroom was the place to find all the cultural staples of the time. Here are some things that you could [...]
24 Social Rules We All Know Are Pointless Yet We Keep Following
Our societies probably wouldn’t have gotten very far if they didn’t have rules to prop them up and instill order. Yet, sometimes, it seems like there are all sorts of rules we follow for no reason at all or rules that have outlasted the reasons for which they were made. Here are a bunch of rules that most of us follow but don’t really know why. #1: Cynical Scheduling It’s [...]