There is no denying that there was no television era quite like the 1970s. Filled with iconic shows that paved the way for future television series, the 70s were truly one-of-a-kind. And while these television shows might not seem like it in today's day and age, many of them were revolutionary and groundbreaking for their time. And let's be honest, we're sure there are many of [...]
33 Times People Received Out-of-Touch Advice From Boomers
It’s an age-old struggle: the constant battle between the old and the young. Young people often think older people are out of touch and too focused on themselves. Older people often think that young people are... well, that they’re also out of touch and too focused on themselves. Who is right? Or is everybody wrong? Decide for yourself! We’ve collected posts from around the web [...]
27 American Chain Stores From the 70s That Don’t Exist Anymore
In 2025, over half of the ‘70s will be over 50 years old. Doesn’t time fly? One second, you’re in the ‘70s, surrounded by all these iconic stores you think will be there forever. The next moment, all these stores are gone, replaced by new, shinier ones. Father Time is cruel like that. We're here today to look at 24 chain stores that used to be prominent in the '70s but have [...]
These 30 Classic 90s Films Will Always Be Iconic
The 90s was a time of classic blockbuster hits, and it gave us some of the most iconic films to hit the big screens. From Jurassic Park to Pulp Fiction, the film industry wasn’t afraid to go big during those days. If you’re unsure what to watch on your next movie night, we have a list of top movies from the 90s that will take you back in time to those magical Friday nights. Who [...]
30 Iconic Brands From the 80s We Completely Forgot About
As an '80s kid, the brands around you seemed like they would be there forever. Now, most of them are gone or not as big as they used to be. It could have been that they've become obsolete over the years or that a bigger competitor put them out of business. Regardless of the reason, we're here today to look at 25 brands that will take you back to a simpler time. #1: Pan [...]