There's no denying the world was quite different decades ago. For one thing, items like cell phones and computers were once considered futuristic. Baby Boomers recall unique items and experiences that now seem stranger than fiction for younger generations. While modern conveniences are second nature to younger people today, Boomers still remember the days that are long gone and [...]
27 Companies That Will Die Out With the Boomer Generation
As we are so often told by everyone from talk show hosts to mega-church preachers to your Aunt Ethel, our world is changing rapidly. One by-product of these rapid shifts is that many companies have been the cornerstones of our lives but are unfortunately becoming less and less relevant. It’s possible that many of these companies will just disappear when it’s the Baby Boomers’ [...]
22 New and Old Jobs People Think Are Absolutely Uselss
While it seems like we’re being ever more quickly propelled into the future, there are certain aspects of our society that just aren’t quite keeping up. In the job market, there seem to be a number of professions that aren’t really necessary anymore—or perhaps they never were. Here are a number of jobs that people think might be sort of, well… useless. Do you agree or [...]
23 Catchy Commercial Jingles That Have Been Stuck in Our Heads for Decades
The thing about jingles is they’re supposed to be catchy. That’s what makes them such effective marketing tools. That said, sometimes they work a little too well. They end up being so catchy that you can never get them out of your head. These jingles are some of the biggest offenders. We bet that at least a handful of them get stuck in your head before you’re done reading this [...]
35 Brilliant Food Inventions That Should Be Everywhere
We’ve all been taught not to play with our food. But what if we let go of that rule and let our imaginations run wild? Well, you’d get something a lot like these creative food inventions! From avocado color charts to chip lifters, we scoured the internet to find the most clever, delightful food inventions out there. Clever food innovations like these happen when people think [...]