Being a '90s kid was fun, but it could also be a little scary. Whether it was from the shows we watched or from being scared straight by the authorities, we '90s kids are still traumatized. We're here today to look at 24 scary things about the '90s that we still remember (because they haunt our dreams). The most frightening thing of all, though, is that half the '90s is 30 [...]
28 Classic 20th Century Brands Gen Z Kids Wouldn’t Recognize
The brands that surround us and the stores we shop at are a part of the landscapes of our lives and the way that we locate ourselves in society. Yet many brands that were cultural icons until recently are no longer. If you ask any teenager about the brands we’re about to mention, chances are you’ll be met with a blank stare. #1: Borders Twenty years ago, the name Borders [...]
23 Popular Military TV Shows From the Baby Boomer Era
When defining a generation, is there any better way to do so than through TV shows? While we are truly blessed with an excellent selection of TV shows to choose from today and countless platforms to view them on, there is no denying that Baby Boomers had it pretty good with military-themed shows. Whether you watched these television shows after school or discovered them later [...]
Quiz: Any Die Hard Rock & Roll Fan Should Be Able to Answer These 22 Questions
While rumblings of rock and roll started in the 1950s, most music lovers can agree that the 1970s were the heyday of rock bands and amazing music. From KISS to Queen, nothing compared to the guitar riffs and solos of the era. Metal heads and glam rockers, unite! We’re asking the tough questions and quizzing you on some of the most iconic pioneers of rock music history. So, [...]
24 Discontinued Products That Were Destined to Fail
This Christmas, shoppers everywhere are buying the hottest new products. But it's worth waiting a little bit because not all products are winners. What appeared to be the hottest new thing was then pulled from store shelves. Sometimes, the product was dangerous. Other times, it just wasn't as good as advertised. We're here today to examine 24 products that were removed from [...]