Back Pain is any pain felt in the back as a result of a fall, lifting something heavy or a sports injury. The pain can be dull, sharp or piercing depending on the origin and duration. Some pains originate from the vertebral column (spine), muscles, nerves, and bones. Back pain is a common ailment that affect everyone irrespective of age and gender but there are people who are [...]
Lower Back Pain in Men, The Causes, Symptoms And Prevention
Lower Back pain is a pain that originate in the lumbre or sacral regions of the spine. Lower back pain in men is subjected to stress and strain as a result of the weight of the upper body which is always down on it (lower back). Lower back pain seems to be commonly affect adult from age 25-60 but its more commonly experienced by men than women due to their line of work. Causes [...]
Upper Back Pain In Men – Symptoms And The Cause
Upper Back consist of the shoulder blades also known as scapula. The scapula are bones that connect the upper arm to the collar bone. Upper back also consist of the thoracic spine (portion of the spinal column that correspond to the chest) and other numerous nerves, muscles, tendon and ligament which can be affected by poor posture, bone cancer, trauma, overuse. Therefore [...]
Middle Back Pain, The Cause, Symptoms And Treatment
Middle Back also known as the thoracic vertebrae is between the bottom of the neck and the top of the lumbar spine. Therefore any type of pain or discomfort found in this region is known as middle back pain. The middle back is made up of spinal cord, spine, nerves, ligament and tendon which when irritated can lead to a serious injury. Thoracic back pain is not as common as [...]
Upper Back Pain In Women And The Cause
Upper back pain in women is caused by strain on the muscles and ligaments from poor posture and repetitive.It is a very common health problem that affect so many people both young and old of any gender but not as serious as lower back pain. SEE ALSO: Lower Back Pain in Men, The Causes, Symptoms And Prevention Causes Of Upper Back Pain In Women Upper back pain is mostly [...]
Lower Back Pain In Women, The Cause, Prevention And Treatment
Lower back pain seems to be a major problem for women, especially those of child bearing age. This could be more severe with those with a particular lifestyle. Most times these back pains seems to be chronic or acute depending on the cause or exposure. Chronic back pain lasts for about 2 to 3 months while acute back pains lasts for over a year. According to research about 70 to [...]