Handmade love
For those gifted in the crafts department, a handsewn version of your baby’s sonogram can be a really special momento from your pregnancy. To use them for a baby annoucement, try sending them out in the mail to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and best friends. More than a photo, a sewn image or message annoucing your great news is a keepsake that everyone will treasure for years to come.
Mama & Papa
Love this DIY pregnancy announcement idea! All you need are two jean jackets and a little fabric paint. Write “mama” and “papa” or your preferred name, and take a cute selfie. The vibe of this announcement is young, lighthearted, and definitely for those parents hoping to retain their cool status once they become a party of three. Other ideas? Try writing Mom & Dad on tshirts, hathe ts, bottom of socks, and more!