#3: Knight in Shining Armor
For all the girls out there waiting patiently for their knights in shining armor – your search is over! Turns out New York knights ride the subway, so all you need to do is ride the train daily, and perhaps one day you’ll meet him. Although, we’re not sure this is a sight often seen on the subway, as people are eyeing him pretty blatantly. Good thing he has his helmet on, and he can’t see their mocking gazes!

Or maybe this knight lost his horse, and that’s why he rides the subway? Whatever the reason, this guy looks as if he’s on the way to a very important rescue mission, or else he’s on his way back from one – it could be either one. It doesn’t seem to be Halloween since he’s the only one wearing a costume, and it seems pretty elaborate to be a Halloween costume, so the knight theory stands!