We’re all human and make mistakes now and then–no one’s perfect, and we can relate to that. Yet, some of these mistakes are so bizarre that it almost seems like they were made on purpose. They say that if you don’t like your job, you won’t excel, and this is far from excelling. Some of these photos make us lose our faith in the human race, and if you don’t believe us, go ahead and judge for yourself.
#1: Backwards
Working in retail is arguably one of the most non-rewarding jobs out there. Customers are almost always selfish and entitled and rarely appreciate the work and effort people put into their jobs. It can be exhausting—we get that, and we can sympathize with that. Yet, how do you forget what human anatomy looks like?

They say you’ll never excel at your job unless you like what you do, and judging by this distorted mannequin, the person responsible for this must really hate their job. As it is, mannequins are the stuff nightmares are made of, what with their fake plastic smiles and distorted features, but this must be the scariest mannequin we’ve seen yet – if this is what this worker was going for, he nailed this job.