We all have our flaws, whether we’re aware of them or not. But that doesn’t mean we can’t judge others for their flaws. Sure, we all have our flaws and pet peeves, but there are some behaviors that are just inexcusable and would make everyone around you secretly judge you. If you want to know what they are, we collected people’s answers to the question, “What’s something you secretly judge people for, even though you know you shouldn’t?”. Read on to see if you’re guilty of any of these things.
#1: Eating Noises
Table manners are important. That means not just holding your knife and fork and avoiding putting your elbows on the table; table manners include eating with your mouth closed and avoiding making eating noises.

Yes, maybe in some cases, it’s unavoidable, but in most cases, it’s definitely something you can control. You don’t have to make slurping sounds when you eat soup. We’ve eaten soup enough times in our lives to be able to tell you that. We’re not sure this person is entirely wrong for judging people who make eating noises.