We’re surrounded by different objects that seem so common in our daily lives, we think we know everything we need about them, and we don’t pay them too much thought. However, now more than ever, we spend a lot of time around the house, and this is just the time to learn the real purpose behind those everyday items, that’s meant to make our lives a lot easier!
The famous BIC lid
Who’s never chewed on pen lids? Most of us have done it when we’re nervous or bored. But did you ever notice the hole in the lid and wondered what was it there for? If you thought it’s there to avoid the ink drying out, keep it balanced to prevent it from leaking or regulate air pressure, you’re not completely wrong! However, its main purpose might surprise you, as it could literally save your life.
Around a hundred people die in the U.S each year from choking on these pen lids (we never knew that either). In order to reduce this number, BIC’s lids have a hole on the top that, in case of swallowing, prevents the windpipe from getting entirely blocked and allows the passage of air, allowing the person to breathe. I bet you never knew this seemingly innocent hole can save your life. Ingenious? Other companies are introducing similar ideas.