#31: The Jungle Marathon
You might think people would plan to go to Brazil for its beaches, nightlife, and cuisine, but some might want to go to Brazil to go through pain and misery. This race happens in the middle of the Amazon forest and spans over a week. The course contains swamps, river crossings, trails, and even beaches with extremely humid temperatures and a scorching sun beating down the necks.
And what would you expect the medic tents to host at the end of each day? Grown men yelping with bruised feet, blisters, and toenails squashed or torn off – it seems a tad too rough for our liking. The nights in the hammocks also feel like a big no-no, given the crazy parasitic insects of the Amazon. Did we mention that precautionary advisors guard some sections of the course because people have met jaguars and other preying animals in the vicinity?