Many things define a decade, including the items that are in our snack drawers. Whether it’s because of poor sales or company meddling, some snacks that you enjoyed as a kid don’t exist anymore. We’re here today to look at some old-school snacks that used to be around but have since been discontinued. Though, some of them on this list may still be available again some day, much to out great delight.
#1: Planters Cheez Balls
Planters Cheez Balls were introduced in the early ‘80s and discontinued in 2006. You can buy cheesy puffed balls from many retailers, but few of them have Mr. Peanut judging you while you scarf some down.

In 2019, the original Cheez Balls lovers rejoiced as they were brought back permanently. Though looking online, I can’t find them anywhere. In company terms, “permanently” probably means “a few years.”