We’ve all had that dream, haven’t we? The one where we’re living in a world of unlimited funds, mansions, and fancy dinners. But let’s face it; wealth is more than expensive cars and hundred-dollar bills. Sometimes, the greatest show of wealth is a subtle flex that regular people could never pull off. People took to the Internet to list some rich people things that most rich people don’t realize are unattainable for the rest of us. From worry-free vacations to high-profile social connections, here are some stealth wealth ways rich people show their cards and reveal how much money they have in the bank.
#1: Just for Fun
They say money can’t buy happiness, but that might not be true. Even if money can’t buy happiness, it sure can buy spontaneity and fun experiences. People who are financially well-off usually don’t have to plan ahead like we do. They can randomly decide to take an international vacation or go to a fancy restaurant without a second thought.

It helps to be financially stable when you want to be spontaneous. Wealthy people don’t have to worry about footing the bill for that impromptu flight to Fiji or that Michelin-starred dinner. Even if spontaneous adventures aren’t your idea of happiness, it sure sounds fun. We’ll take spontaneity over worrying about bills any day.