One aspect of our childhoods that we don’t see often nowadays is toys in cereal boxes. Waking up, watching some Saturday morning cartoons, and finding out what was in that box made your day. Sure, the cereal toys weren’t high-quality, but those memories sure were. And some of those toys are now worth a pretty penny. We’re here to examine 19 toys from cereal boxes over the decades and determine their worth.
#1: Cap’n Crunch Bo’sun Whistle (1960s)
Whether it’s original, peanut butter, or those berries, it’s always a good time with Cap’n Crunch. If you wanted to be in charge of your own ship crew, you could find a bo’sun whistle in boxes in the 1960s. They came in different colors, too!

These little things are worth a lot! They currently go for at least $75, with some colors going for over $100. If you can’t afford that, someone is selling resin replicas of them as well for $7.