#16: Chain Messages
Chain letters date back as far as the 1800s, and they’ve taken many different forms over the decades. In the early 2000s, chain messages were quite popular in the form of text messages. That’s when cellphones started to gain popularity and we all had them, and we were addicted to texting. Of course, today we’re more addicted to texting than ever, but for some reason, chain messages aren’t quite as common as they used to be (although you still receive the occssioanl chain message).
You know what we’re talking about; the ones where it says you must forward this message to a certain number of people otherwise something bad might happen, like you’ll get 10 years of bad luck. Of course, most people don’t believe those messages – and they are right to – they usually turn out to be a scheme. But after too many years being single, you might start to believe your bad luck in the dating world has something to do with those messages…