#8: Bison Were Hunted Relentlessly
The Wild West vividly depicts a time when finding sustenance was an arduous task, etching a challenging existence into the annals of history. While general stores offered some respite, survival often hinged on the skills of the hunt. In those rugged days, the mighty bison held sway as the prized source of sustenance, its vast herds facing a perilous decline.

In the early 1800s, an astounding 10 to 30 million bison roamed America’s plains, a testament to the untamed wilderness. Yet, fast-forward a mere century, and this awe-inspiring number plummeted to a mere fraction, less than 1,000. The decimation of these majestic creatures, however, went beyond mere hunger; it was a calculated assault on Native American communities who depended profoundly on the bison for their very survival.