#35: A Suggestive Walk in the Park
Okay, folks. Cover your kids’ eyes for this one, because it’s not safe for work, children, or life in general. Whoever planned out Legacy Park in Brambleton, Virginia, needs a stern talking-to because the shape of this landmark is making us wheeze with laughter. As you can see, this public park is shaped like a very obvious depiction of a certain body part that we can’t say out loud.
Yes, this park is real. You can’t make this stuff up. The park even has a thin, rectangular section at the “head” of the park (sorry), making the whole ordeal even funnier. Brambleton can’t even use the excuse that the park is ancient and “no one knew” when they planned it because the park opened in 2002. Sure, Google Maps launched afterward, but someone had to have known that satellite imaging would become a thing, right?