Through Google Maps, Google claims that it has photographed 98% of the places inhabited by humans on this planet. These two satellite-powered services changed the world forever in more ways than one. With such a massive network comes odd and wonderful quirks. From mysterious men in horse masks to sweet memorials of times past, Google Maps has accidentally captured some extraordinary things. We’ve composed the best of the weird and wonderful moments that Google Maps forever immortalize.
#1: Caught in the Act
Google Maps drivers: they’re just like us! As it turns out, they like to speed, too. The only problem is that their vehicle records every move they make. This Maps driver was caught speeding, and it will forever be immortalized by this photograph captured by their car.
Sir, do you know how fast you were driving? Well, everyone else sure does. Thankfully, speeding tickets can’t be given retroactively based on Google Maps photos. Also, the speed limit technically says the speed limit is 25 mph “when children are present.” They could be in the clear, for all we know.