If you make more money than 90 percent of the population of the globe combined, investing in real estate is likely to be a wise choice when it comes to your finances. It is not simply a large garden or even a few fields that are at risk here; there are entire islands that could be lost. Many of the most famous people in the world each have their very own private island to call their own. They are not required to sign autographs, and they are allowed to avoid being photographed. They have this freedom. Not only that, but they are free to relax, take a look about, and enjoy themselves, secure in the knowledge that whatever they can see is theirs to keep.
Shakira – Bonds Cay
This island in the San Juan Islands of Washington, D.C. is called “Fawn Island” because pregnant deer travel there to give birth. You must find it the cutest thing you’ve seen before, correct? Oscar-winning actor Gene Hackman bought the island in 1989 and lived there until 2005, when he decided to sell it.
There have been three distinct families living on the island at the time. There was an art studio, Gene’s fitness center, and the Hackman family residence on the first floor. Gene Hackman may have sold Fawn Island in order to save enough money to purchase a larger, more isolated island in British Columbia.