The schoolyard used to be the source of endless magic to fill young students’ otherwise boring days. Yet, with screens becoming a more and more central form of entertainment and entertainment in our lives, many of the games that we grew up with are long forgotten. All that’s left is to take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of our favorites before they’re forgotten for [...]
30 Sad Truths None of Us Want to Admit Are True
There are a whole lot of things that we think in our own heads but don’t love to say out loud - whether it’s the embarrassing things that we do, the food combinations that we secretly like, or the way we really feel about certain family members or social trends. Keep reading to find out all the ways in which you’re not as alone as you thought, or in other words, things we all [...]
27 Children’s TV Shows From the 70s and 80s That Scarred a Generation
To modern eyes, old shows and movies made for kids are creepy. This may be due to the costumes and special effects looking odd by today's standards. The subject matter may be surprisingly dark for a kid's show. If there are YouTube uploads of any of these shows, the comments may be full of people who say they were scared by them as kids. Personally, I love these kinds of shows. [...]
30 Captivating Historical Photos That Show What Life Was Like Back in the Day
Until humans find a way to time travel, there is no way for us to visit the past. The closest thing we have are photographs, which allow us to see and sense what the world was like in past decades. There's no denying our society has changed a lot over the years, and photos are a palpable way for us to see those changes. We're here today to take a look at a collection of 18 [...]
31 Specific Rules That Were Clearly Created After People Made Certain Mistakes
We all encounter rules in our lives, whether in the workplace, in our state or city, or even within our own families. Many rules are fairly logical; some are made to be broken, and others are a little silly. But then there are some pretty strange and funny rules that are more ridiculous than you’ve ever imagined, and you know these rules were created as a result of someone's [...]